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Off-Campus Study


The Department of Mathematics awards transfer credit for approved courses completed at other institutions, although at most two can be applied toward the eight courses required for the math major and at most one can be used toward the four required by the math minor.


Mathematics courses taken at other institutions must be formally approved, preferably in advance. As part of your request, please submit the following by email to the transfer credit coordinator (Professor Jack O'Brien) in the math department:

  1. name and location of institution,
  2. the catalogue description of the course, and
  3. if possible, a link to a list of the department's course offerings.

You will receive an email with the department's decision. What you must do next depends on whether you are seeking transfer credit from a foreign or domestic institution:

Transfer Credit From a Non-Study Away Institution: Attach the email approving your request to a completed Application for Transfer Credit available from the Office of the Registrar and return it to the registrar. The signature of the department chair is not required as long as your email is attached.

Transfer Credit From an Institution Abroad: Attach the email approving your request to a completed Off-Campus Study Application and return it to the Office of Off-Campus Study. You should secure the approval of your entire course plan from your major advisor; however, individual courses must be approved by the math department's transfer credit coordinator. Signatures for individual courses are not required as long as your email is attached.